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Dr. Jan Knobloch

My field of research is Romance and comparative literature, with a particular focus on connections to philosophy, Environmental Humanities, and sociology. I focus on the contemporary period, as well as on 19th and 20th-century French and Argentinian literature. In my first book Löschen und imaginieren (2022) and the edited volume Gegen das Leben, gegen die Welt, gegen mich selbst. Figuren der Negativität (2021), I develop a new conceptualization of theories and practices of aesthetic negativity. I am also interested in recent sociological theories of authorship (c.f. the special issue Remettre l'auteur à sa place ? in PhiN, 31/2023). My ongoing postdoc project examines imagined futures and social alterity within contemporary Romance literatures, spanning Argentina, France, and Mexico. My work has been published in journals such as Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte, Romanische Forschungen, Lendemains, Musil-Forum, German Life and Letters, Trajectoires and PhiN, as well as in numerous edited volumes. I am a Principal Investigator at the Global South Studies Center (GSSC) in Cologne.




Romanisches Seminar, Universität zu Köln

Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Köln

Tel.: (+)221 470-3005


Raum 1.222


Sprechstunde: Di, 10-11 Uhr, mit Voranmeldung, Raum 1.222



