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Publications & Talks


  • Canes Nápoles, A. (in progress). Topics in the Left Periphery: the Question-Based (QbaT-sets) Account 
  • Riester, A., Canes Nápoles, A. (forthcoming). The lifespan of topics in the right frontier. In Benz, Hesse, Riester & Scheffler. Annotating Text with Questions under Discussion. Edited Volume. Logos Verlag Berlin
  • Riester, A., Canes Nápoles, A., & Hoek, J. (2021). Combined discourse representations: Coherence relations and questions under discussion. Proceedings of the DiscAnn Workshop.
  • Canes Nápoles, A. & Delbecque, N. (2017). “'En realidad’, polisemia y polifuncionalidad de un marcador discursivo”. In Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana (RILI): 29 (1):173-206.

Doctoral Dissertation

Canes Nápoles, A. (2024). "The Question-Based Account of Topic Sets in Discourse (QbaT-sets): Definition, Implementation and Application to the Study of the Spanish Discourse Marker ‘y’ in Conversation".


  • Canes-Nápoles, A. & Adli, Aria 7-9 November 2024. "Reference reactivation: a variationist analysis of the discourse connector y in Spanish". Conference New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV 52). Florida International University and the University of Miami. Book of Abstracts
  • Canes-Nápoles, A. 10-11 October 2024. "Estudio contrastivo de las partículas modales como/comme y un poco/un peu  en español y francés". Coloquio Términos de vaguedad. Orígenes, usos, contrastes. Université Paris Cité. 
  • Canes-Nápoles & Engel. 25--26 July 2024. "From ninguno to nadie: A variationist approach to negative quantifiers in Spanish". LingCor: Workshop on Spoken Corpus Linguistics. University of Vienna. Book of Abstracts
  • Canes-Nápoles, A., Riester, A.,  11 January 2023. "Discourse topics, sentence topics and topic transitions in Spanish dialogue. Linguistik Kolloquium, Universität Bielefeld. Abstract
  • Canes Nápoles, A., Riester, A., 18-19 November 2021. "Topics and topic transitions within QUD trees". International Workshop on the Expression of Contrast and the Annotation of Information Structure in Corpora. KU Leuven. Book of Abstracts
  • Canes Nápoles, A. 30 August-3 September 2021. Discourse markers as topic managers. But how exactly? 54th Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2021). Workshop 8: Continuative and contrastive discourse relations across discourse domains: Cognitive and cross-linguistic approaches. Book of Abstracts
  • Canes Nápoles, A. 17-18 January 202. The role of DMs on the marking of question-answer agreement. Workshop: "Explicit and implicit coherence relations: Different, but how exactly?". Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 
  • Canes Nápoles, A. 9-14 June 2019. Interplay between Spanish DM 'y' and Information Structure in the construction of discourse coherence. Panel contribution. 16th International Pragmatics Conference (IprA), Hong Kong. IPrA-theme session ‘Discourse structure and signaling devices: Diverse perspectives and current trends’ (Organized by: Ted Sanders, Hongyin Tao). 
  • Canes Nápoles, A. 2018. The Sociolinguistic Lab goes to Cuba. Cologne summer school on ‘Challenges and Opportunities for a Multilingual Society – Movement, Migration, Languages, Psychology, and Education. Cologne, August 2018.
  • Canes Nápoles, A./Delbecque, N. 2016. ‘En realidad’: polifuncionalidad y polisemia de un marcador discursivo. 45th Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística. January 2016, Universidad de Jaén
  • Canes Nápoles, A./Delbecque, N. 2016. ‘Decision tree application to DMs functional desambiguation'. 3rd International Conference on Linguistic & Psycholinguistic Approaches to Text Structuring (LPTS). January 2016, Universitat de València.
  • Canes Nápoles, A./Delbecque, N. 2015. ‘En realidad’ as a crossing gate: multifunctionality and polysemy of a DM. 14th International Pragmatics Conference (IPRA). July 2015, Universiteit Antwerpen.