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Dr. Sarah Schwellenbach-Siwonia*

Romance Linguistics

Department of Romance Studies

University of Cologne

Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Cologne, Germany

Room: 2.315 (Philosophikum)

Tel.: +49-(0)221-4702838

E-mail: sarah.schwellenbach(at)uni-koeln.de


*Please feel free to use only my first surname in email correspondence, etc., i.e. Sarah Schwellenbach (or just Sarah). My pronouns are she/her.

New book under contract

Schwellenbach, Sarah, under contract. Avertive and Proximative: A Corpus-Based Synchronic and Diachronic Study of Romance Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Recent publications

Schwellenbach, Sarah, 2022. A prominence-based account of the pragmatics of tenses and the underspecification of the Romance imperfect. Journal of Pragmatics 198, 11-28. (Open Access) [This article won the Jacob L. Mey and Hartmut Haberland Early Career Award]

Schwellenbach, Sarah, 2019. Avertiv und Proximativ: Eine korpusbasierte synchrone und diachrone Untersuchung der romanischen Sprachen. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 413). [This study was awarded the Elise Richter Prize and the Offermann-Hergarten Prize]

Memberships (among others):

BRV (Balkanromanistenverband 'Balkan Romance Studies Association')

CCLS (Cologne Center of Language Sciences)

CLIP (Center for Language, Information and Philosophy)

DGfS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft 'German Society for Linguistics')

DHV (Deutscher Hispanistikverband - La Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas)

DHV (Deutscher Hochschulverband 'German Association of University Professors and Lecturers')

DIV (Deutscher Italianistikverband - Fachverband für Italienisch in Wissenschaft und Unterricht)

DLV (Deutscher Lusitanistenverband - A Associação Alemã de Lusitanistas)

DRV (Deutscher Romanistenverband 'German Association of Romance Philologists and Linguists')

FRV (Frankoromanistenverband)

IPrA (International Pragmatics Association)

LSA (Linguistic Society of America)

NEHiLP (Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Etimologia e História da Língua Portuguesa)

SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea)

SLR (Société de Linguistique Romane)

ZaKMiRa (Zentrum für die antiken Kulturen des Mittelmeerraums 'Center for the Ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean Region)