zum Inhalt springen


(i) Monographien:

(ii) Aufsätze in Zeitschriften: 

(iii) Beiträge in internationalen Sammelbändern:

(iv) Andere Beiträge:

(v) Tagungsbänder:

  • Adli, Aria (2006). French wh-in-situ questions and the interaction between phonology, syntax and social structure. In Proceeding of SICOL 2006, Hong-Pin Im (ed.), 307–311. Seoul: Linguistic Society of Korea.
  • Adli, Aria (2006). Grammaticality Judgments with Auditory Stimuli: Taking into Account Intonation and Interpretation of French wh-in-situ. In Preproceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence, Wolfgang Sternefeld, Uwe Mönnich, Hubert Truckenbrodt and Sam Featherston (eds.), Tübingen: SFB 441 "Linguistic Data Structures".
  • Adli, Aria (2004). Distinction and syntactic optionality. In Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Linguistics 2001, Mohammad Dabir-Moghaddam (ed.). Tehran: Allameh Tabatabai University.

(vi) Linguistische Korpuskonstruktionen:

  • Adli, Aria, Verhoeven, Elisabeth, Lehmann, Nico, Mortezapour, Vahid & Vander Klok, Jozina (2023). Lang*Reg: A multi-lingual corpus of intra-speaker variation across situations (0.1.0) [Data set].
  • Adli, Aria (2005-2019). sgs [spontaneous speech, grammaticality judgments, social data], multilingual database of Persian, French, Spanish and Catalan containing syntactically annotated transcriptions of spontaneous speech, 67 hours of digitized acoustic data, acceptability judgments, social metadata of 254 speakers, as well as the query software sgsTree. Sociolinguistic Lab, Universität zu Köln

(vii) Computerprogramme und Test Designs:

  • Adli, Aria (2010). Computer-based gradient acceptability judgment test for auditory stimuli [see the online demo; further details in The Linguistic Review paper, 2011]. 

(viii) Technische Berichte:

  • Adli, Aria (2014). Syntactic Annotation Guidelines for Spanish and Catalan. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
  • Adli, Aria (2013). Syntactic Annotation Guidelines for Persian. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
  • Adli, Aria (2011). Syntactic Annotation Guidelines for French. University of Freiburg. 
  • Adli, Aria (2007). Transcription Guidelines for French, Spanish, and Catalan. New York University. 
  • Adli, Aria (2007). Transcription Guidelines for Persian. New York University.

(ix) Vorträge bei Konferenzen und Workshops:

USA (University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, NYU, Ohio State University, University of Chicago at Urbana-Champaign, University of Texas at San Antonio), Canada (U Ottawa, U Toronto, SFU Vancouver), Great Britain (Newcastle University, University of Edinburgh), Spain (Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, University of Bilbao), Germany (U Kiel, U Konstanz, U Hamburg, U Frankfurt Main, U Frankfurt Oder, U Bremen, U Tübingen, U Munich, U Freiburg, U Bonn, U Wuppertal, U Heidelberg, U Potsdam, ZAS Berlin, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig, HfMT Hamburg, U Erlangen, U Cologne, U Würzburg, U Flensburg, FU Berlin, U Leipzig, U Stuttgart, U Bielefeld), France (ENS Paris, U Strasbourg), Austria (U Vienna, U Graz), Switzerland (U Neuchâtel), Finland (University of Helsinki), Sweden (U Uppsala), Iran (U Teheran, Allameh Tabataba'i U Teheran, U Isfahan), Northern Ireland (U Belfast), Netherlands (VU Amsterdam, U Leiden), South Korea (Seoul National University)
